Amplifying Influence as a Nonprofit Board Member

August 21, 2024

Whether you are at the onset of your career or a seasoned professional, board service offers a unique opportunity to make a difference. It’s a chance to support causes you care about, hone your leadership skills, expand your professional network, and drive meaningful change in your community. Serving on a board is a personally fulfilling and professionally strategic move that accelerates progress and social good.

The Value of Serving on a Nonprofit Board

Serving on a nonprofit board is valuable at any career stage. Companies often encourage junior and senior employees to serve on boards, actively supporting their philanthropic efforts. This engagement fosters a sense of dedication among employees and positively contributes to the organization's culture and social impact.

For junior employees, nonprofit board service is an invaluable way to develop leadership skills, broaden professional networks, and contribute to their community. It’s also a stepping stone to future opportunities, including serving on for-profit boards, by gaining essential governance experience and insight. These experiences can sharpen problem-solving abilities, enhance strategic thinking, and offer a broader perspective.

Companies, too, reap benefits from their employees’ nonprofit board service. It boosts job satisfaction, fosters a positive corporate reputation, and contributes to a more engaged workforce. According to Deloitte, 95% of employees value making a positive community impact, and 87% consider volunteer opportunities when deciding whether to pursue a new role. Additionally, according to the national nonprofit business mentorship network SCORE, 92% of business leaders observe improved leadership and broadened professional skills in employees who volunteer. Supporting board service cultivates a skilled, motivated, and connected workforce, driving organizational success. 

However, while boards are crucial to running nonprofits, they can vary dramatically in efficacy. At its best, a board will be efficient, farseeing, and drive resources toward the organization while providing oversight and checks and balances. At its worst, a board can be hindered by a mess of conflicting agendas, lack of trust, and ineffectiveness. Each member has a key role in shaping the culture of a board, so it’s crucial to understand how to serve as a great board whose contribution leads to meaningful progress and success for the nonprofit you serve. 

How To Elevate Your Impact 

While joining a board is the first step to making a difference, maximizing impact requires focusing on the five T’s that make board members great: Time, Talent, Treasure, Ties and Training.


Serving on a board is a rewarding commitment that requires a significant investment of time. In addition to attending meetings, board members participate in organizational events and serve on committees. This dedication is vital for efficient and knowledgeable governance. Each board member must honor their time commitment for the organization to achieve its mission.


Board members bring diverse skills and expertise that advance organizational priorities, solve problems, and help guide strategic direction. They contribute their talent to propel the organization’s initiatives forward and help steer it in a positive direction.


Nonprofit organizations rely on external fundraising to achieve their mission. Board members play a pivotal role by providing financial support through personal donations, securing grants or sponsorships, and participating in fundraising efforts. A financially committed board ensures the organization’s economic stability and continued growth.


Board members contribute their extensive networks to the organization they serve, bringing valuable connections that can expand the organization’s reach through networking and partnerships. By leveraging their personal and professional networks, they actively support the organization’s mission and help achieve its goals. This positive impact is realized through personal invitations to events, social media engagement, and other outreach efforts.


Effective board service thrives on continuous learning and development. Board members should engage in ongoing training to stay current with the latest best practices in the organization’s field and areas like governance and nonprofit management. This commitment, which includes understanding the organization, its people and its ecosystem, enables board members to contribute to its success through informed decision-making and collaboration.

Creating Lasting Impact Through Youth INC’s Training

Navigating the commitments of nonprofit board membership can seem, at times, daunting and difficult. Youth INC’s Get on Board simplifies this process by providing a clear pathway for board service. Over the past decade, the program has trained over 4,000 corporate professionals and placed over 400 on governing and associate boards. This growth and impact have established Youth INC as a trusted partner in effectively engaging professionals in board service, increasing employee engagement, and enhancing community impact.

Christine Crowther from the New York Center for Children emphasizes the program’s value, saying, “Youth INC has provided a strong referral pipeline of outstanding candidates who have become key members and leaders of our dynamic, highly motivated, and effective associate board.”

Over the years, Youth INC has increased the number of Get on Board sessions, focusing on young professionals who can benefit from board service. This approach allows professionals to contribute to a nonprofit’s success throughout their careers, beginning as associate board members and eventually advancing into governing board members.

Connecting Nonprofits and Corporate Professionals

Youth INC’s comprehensive approach to board placement tackles the challenges many nonprofits face in finding qualified candidates and the difficulties corporate professionals encounter in finding a board that matches their philanthropic goals. Through initiatives like our Annual Summer Board Fair, Youth INC creates opportunities for board service with impactful New York City youth development nonprofits. This year, nearly 30 nonprofit organizations attended our board fair, attracting over 150 corporate professionals eager to serve.

By preparing corporate professionals for board service and connecting them with opportunities within our network of over 85 Nonprofit Partners that champion over 250,000 young people, Youth INC bridges the gap between corporate philanthropy and community engagement. As Sophie Baker, an analyst with Blackstone, shares, “With the help and guidance that Youth INC provided, I was placed with the Court Appointed Special Advocates of New York City Associate Board. I’m deeply grateful to Youth INC for the wonderful resources they provide professionals and their impact on the community.”

Maximizing your impact as a nonprofit board member means bringing your whole self—your time, talent, treasure, ties, and a commitment to continuous training—to drive meaningful change. By serving on a board, you help shape the future of your community. As you embark on or continue your board journey, your dedication and strategic involvement are invaluable in creating stronger, more vibrant communities that thrive on the contributions of committed and passionate leaders.


Ellie Reiter

Ellie Reiter thrives on driving the potential of individuals and teams to innovate, tackle challenges, and fuel impact through meaningful outcomes. For over 20 years she has channeled this approach through the design, coaching, and facilitation of social impact programs that build the capacity of people and organizations. As the Director of Governance and Leadership at Youth INC, she curates point of view and impact on governance for youth development nonprofits through the design and delivery of a suite of capacity building programs focused on enhancing the efficacy of nonprofit Boards of Directors.
